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A member registered Jan 31, 2020

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(1 edit)

You can copy it in 4-bit mode, switch to 1 or 2-bit mode and paste

No problem. There are a few things that can't be transpiled or polyfilled because they have to be supported at the engine level (Proxy, import statements, et. al.), but they shouldn't be a huge problem.

You don't have to list it in the app store. Last time I looked (which was, admittedly years ago) TIC80 would violate the terms for the App Store anyway due to carts being downloaded and using a scripting language.

I think it would be easier to have a cart export for something like Cordova (especially since html export is already supported), which could be used to target iOS, but I don't have very much experience with that.

If you want to use a modern syntax, try using Typescript, but setting the compile target to es5.

Just to be clear, though, internally es2015 classes are no different than es5 prototypes. The source code looks different, but it is just 'syntactic sugar' for achieving the exact same thing at runtime.

Is there any way to know what line number an error originates from. All I get is something like "TypeError: undefined not callable". The only way I have been able to track down the error is to try to guess about where the error is coming from and add trace calls to confirm.

I have managed to fix the error at this point, and luckily it happened because of out of order initialization, so it was fairly easy to do, but once I start in the game loop, I think it will be much more difficult to track down any errors without at least a line number telling me where in my code I should be looking.

I just found TIC-80 recently and have been coding a turn-based strategy game. I use TypeScript which I then compile into Javascript and paste it into TIC-80. So far, the coding limit hasn't been a problem, but if it becomes one, I can optimize the generated code for size, and minify the JS which will, typically, drastically reduce the size of the code. I don't know if other languages have minifiers, but I suspect they do not because the impetus for developing minifiers for JS does not exist in most other languages, that I am aware of.